
Tapping Your Healing Potential

Where does your healing potential come from?

We have esteemed intellectual methods that are derived from education above methods that are driven by our body’s natural wisdom (of which human education knows less than 5% about).

Your natural wisdom was responsible for forming you in your mother’s womb, making sure you had a full set of organs that function well together along with a nervous system that connects you to your body. But these days we don’t look to the wisdom that formed us for our health. We want the new medication or the latest fad that is supposed to offer miraculous results, then 5 years later we repeat the cycle.

Carl Jung said, “Modern people don’t seek God because they don’t look low enough.” I would add that we often don’t seek Him because we are more impressed with what our minds can produce.

There is a need to look inside. If you want to express your maximum potential in your relationships and your contribution to your community, get to know the people around you and try to find out what they really need that only you are uniquely equipped to provide, then go do it. Connection is key, and your natural wisdom will express your authenticity as you meet the need. Similarly, connection through the nervous system is necessary to fully express healthy neurophysiology which produces healthy function in every cell, tissue, organ, and system of the body.

The Japanese are among the highest in life expectancy in the world, and their spirituality makes living a normal life an acceptable way to behave spiritually. I don’t see the Japanese as having a boring sense of normal where nothing new and exciting ever takes place, I see it as more artistic where their essence of normal comes from a deep connection within that produces a powerful authenticity. How different is that from us the the US where we are largely never satisfied and frequently find ourselves in search of something new and better. By this collective logic, it is reasonable to understand why we esteem what we were born with the least…and also why we are getting beat by Japan.

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